How To Make Coconut Wine
Bring rice to the boil and simmer for 3 minutes.
Put dates and coconut into another pan.
Pour rice liquor through a strainer into the pan with dates and coconut.
Boil for 15 minutes.
Add the to a fermenting bin or demijohn.
Add the strained dates coconut and liquor to the sugar.
Stir until sugar is fully dissolved.
Allow to cool to 20°c/70°f.
Add yeast and yeast nutrient.
Pour contents of fermenting bin into demijohn.
Top up to below shoulder and fit airlock.
Move to warm place.
After the initial aggressive fermentation dies down top up demijohn to shoulder.
Rack off after 3 months.
After a further 3 months rack off and add a crushed Campden tablet.
After another 3 months sweeten to taste (using non fermenting sweetener).
After 10 days bottle (if wine is clear) and store for 6 months.
Coconut wine recipe is not only for people who live in very warm climes. We can all walk into a supermarket and find desicated coconut freely available on the shelves of our local supermarket. We can also purchase whole coconuts in the same supermaket so the choice is ours. Make as much or as little as you like, we needn’t worry when to make either but how much to make! Maybe times the contents of this coconut wine recipe by three and make 18 bottles. We suggest you serve this wine slightly chilled.
Desiccated coconut is dried and grated coconut flesh.
Preparation time: 60 minutes
Initial fermentation time: 14 days
Time to be ready to drink: 12 months
1lb/450 grams desiccated coconut
1lb/450 grams rice
1lb/450 grams chopped dates
3lb/1.4kg white sugar
1 teaspoon/5 grams citric acid
1 teaspoon/5 grams yeast nutrient
1 sachet/5 grams yeast
1 campden tablet (crushed)
Sweetness: Medium
Calories per bottle: 650 approx
Yield: 6 bottles
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