How To Make Pea Pod Wine

Place into pan and add chopped and peeled bananas
Add 4 pints water
Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes
Strain into a fermenting bin
Leave to settle with cover on
After 24 hours strain the liquor through a fine cloth into a demijohn
Add one pint sugar syrup
Add all other ingredients (not yeast)
Top up demijohn and add yeast
Fit airlock and leave in warm place to ferment
Don’t allow heavy deposit of sediment to build
Rack the wine frequently
Pea Pod wine is one for the enthusiast as it’s not likely to win any prizes at a country show, but if you like making the most from your throw away items then this is the one for you. The big problem with this wine recipe is you’ll need a part time job at a restaurant to be able to get the pods you need. But assuming that isn’t a problem for you then you must try this one!
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Initial fermentation time: 7 days
Time to be ready to drink: 2 months
6lb / 2.7kg empty pea pods
2.2lb / 1kg sugar
1lb / 450g very ripe bananas
1 tsp / 5g yeast nutrient
1 sachet multipurpose wine yeast
Sweetness: Dry
Calories per bottle: 400 approx
Yield: 6 bottles
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