Citric Acid – How To Use And Alternative
Citric acid in wine balances the flavour by increasing acidity, the usual quantity to use for a 5 litre Demijohn is 3-5 grams.
The alternative to using mass produced acid is using fresh lemon juice, so if you’re looking to add as many natural ingredients as possible then ditch the citric acid and use fresh lemon juice.
Citric acid increases the acidity and can complement a specific flavour, it can also prevent ferric hazes.
Lemon juice affects the flavour, so the use of powdered Citric acid provides a ‘neutral flavour’ or a way of adding the ‘acidic bite’ or fresh taste you may be looking for.
So to recap the differnece in the wines final taste is why some recipes call for lemion juice and others call for citric acid.