How To Make Tomato Wine

Add sugar to one pint/0.5 litres boiling water and stir.
Add sugar syrup to fermenting bin when it has cooled to warm.
Add juice of 2 lemons to fermenting bin.
Add pectin enzyme.
Add crushed Campden tablet.
Top up fermenting bin to 5 litre mark.
Stir contents of fermenting bin and leave for 12 to 24 hours (covered).
No add yeast nutrient and yeast.
Stir the tomato mix twice a day for 5 days.
Now strain liquid into sterilised demijohn.
Top up demijohn to just below top and fit airlock bubbler.
Leave one month and rack wine.
Sweeten to taste.
When must clears bottle wine.
Tomato wine is the gardners favourite wine recipe for August and September. Yes at the end of summer you gardners out there will probably find you have a glut of tomatoes, so what are you going to do with them? Well you’re on a wine recipe website so I suspect you know the answer. After all its a great way to use them all up. The real bonus with this is, it really is a refreshing wine. Once you’ve experienced this one you’ll make it year after year.
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Initial fermentation time: 5 days
Time to be ready to drink: 1 months
5lb/2.25kg ripe tomatoes
2½/1.15kg sugar
2 lemons
½ teaspoon pectic enzyme
1 teaspoon activated dried wine yeast (or as directions on packaging)
1 teaspoon yeast nutrient (or as directions on packaging)
1 Campden tablet
Sweetness: Medium dry
Calories per bottle: 400 approx
Yield: 6 bottles
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