How To Make Peach Wine
Dissolve sugar in 3 pints/2 lires boiling water to make a syrup.
Add syrup to fermenting bin.
Add peaches to fermenting bin.
Add hot or boiling water and allow to cool.
Add acid blend.
Add tannin.
Add pectic enzyme.
Fit lid to fermenting bin and place in warm position for 24 hours.
Now add yeast and nutrient and stir.
Fit lid to fermenting bin and place in warm position for 10 days (stir every day).
Strain the must into a sterile demijohn and top up to 5 litre level with cold water if needed.
Fit airlock and leave until fermentation finishes.
Rack wine into clean demijohn and add crushed campden tablet, fit airlock.
After 2 months bottle wine and label.
For best results leave for around 10 months before sampling.
Peach wine recipe is produced from fresh peaches, and results in a light white table wine. If you havent got fresh peaches you can use tinned peaches and for best results add the juice and reduce the sugar amount slightly. This can then be made all year round. As is normally the case the more patient you are before sampling the better.
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Initial fermentation time: 10 days
Time to be ready to drink: 10 months
4lb/1.8kg peaches
2¾lb/1.2kg sugar.
½ – 1 teaspoon acid blend.
½ teaspoon/3 grams pectic enzyme (pectolase).
¼ teaspoon/1 gram wine tannin.
1 campden tablet.
1 tsp/5 grams yeast nutrient.
1 sachet/5 grams wine yeast.
Sweetness: Medium
Calories per bottle: 400 approx
Yield: 6 bottles
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